SEMINAR IN ITALY – December 2008
At the end of the project training activities, a seminar in Italy will be organized fo the Italian and Slovenian operators of the tourism sector. It will be dedicated to the presentation of Asia partner countries market opportunities in the tourism sector, including cross-cultural aspect.
Open to all public and private tourism sectors
TRAINING PROGRAM IN ITALY & SLOVENIA (Nov., Dec., 2008/ Jan. 2009 25)
Day training program will have 5 representatives from Nepal, Mongolia and Vietnam. The training will be given in the followings:
- e-marketing and e-commerce
- destination management
- developing a business plan or a marketing plan for a tourist product / destination.
The training will also include visitors to tourism related associations and IBOs for possible networking.

Mount Everest - Nepal (8,848 Mt.)
5 DAY MISSION IN NEPAL & MONGOLIA (February / March 2009)
In the final stage of the Asian tour project 2 educational tour will be organized, one in Nepal and one in Mongolia. The aim is to spread information and documentation on the beauty of the landscape, nature, culture and tourism attraction in these countries.
Open to tour operators, tourism associations, agents, tourism professionals.
(15 representatives for each educational tour- 10 from italy and 5 from Slovenia will be selected).
Going On Activity Of The Asian Tour Project
7.1. Follow-up activities
During the partnership events, questionnaires will be distributed to the participants in order to survey their degree of satisfaction concerning (i) the effectiveness of the promotional channels and instruments used to promote the event, (ii) the adequacy of the logistic arrangements, (iii) the efficiency of the operational management, (iv) the interest / usefulness of the issues dealt with during the workshops, (v) the quality of the speakers’ lectures, (vi) the quality of the documentation available, (vii) the immediate outputs of the event.
The questionnaires will be collected at the end of the event and their results will be summarised in a report (one for each event) to be published on the project portal.
All participants will be informed regarding all services for international cooperation that can be offered directly by project partners, considering that all project partners are service providers
Implementing bodies: all project partners
Location: all project partner countries
Months: 13-15 after 5-day mission in Nepal, and 18-20 after 5-day mission in Mongolia
7.2. Technical assistance for improvement of EU – Asia international cooperation
After 45 days from the implementation of each event, a second questionnaire will be sent to all the participants in order to survey the short-term outcomes of the event and to evaluate its impact in a middle-term perspective and needs for consolidation of bilateral relationship arised during two events. In particular, questions will be asked concerning (i) the number of participants contacted, (ii) the number of trade / productive agreements signed, (iii) the main dificulties rosen during the first steps of bilateral contacts (after mission), (iv) kind of necessery consulting services requested .
The questionnaires will be collected and their results will be summarised in a report (one for each event) to be published on the project portal.
For all questions and difficulties came out in the initial phases of contacts between all project participants (partners, trainees, experts, involved sector operators) essential to be solved for prosperous future cooperation between all actors involved, project partner will provide assistance for the point of view of their own competences.
For any specific requests regarding business development, and not under the competence of the project partners, the companies involved will be supported by relevant and qualified service providers.
Implementing bodies: all project partners
Location: all project partner countries
Months: 13-15 after 5-day mission in Nepal, and 18-20 after 5-day mission in Mongolia
7.3. Final Report
A final report will be draw up containing a SWOT analysis of the Asian project partner regions involved in the project, by using the information and data collected in the sector market analyses (activity 2), the follow-up reports (activity 7.1) and the outcome assessment reports (activity 7.2). The final report will illustrate the challenges and opportunities of the tourism raised by the Asian – European integration process, by examining (i) the problems to be faced by the IBO and SMEs regarding the tourism sector development in the Asian partner countries and (ii) the potential solutions / strategies to be adopted by the institutional authorities, in concert with the sector interlocutors, to overcome such problems / obstacles (and in accordance with strategies of UNEP Tourism programme – World Tourism Forum: “to develop new concepts and practices for the tourism industry worldwide, that promote: cultural diversity, economic and social development, biodiversity preservation, and conditions for peace”)
The final report will be published on the project portal and delivered to the referent regional and national public institutions and to the concerned EU institutions in Brussels.
Implementing bodies: Applicant with support of all project partners
Location: all project partner countries
Months: 20-24 |